Online Multiplayer Card Games
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- Online Multiplayer Card Games
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Play 16+ Free & Exciting Online Card Games. Includes Awesome Games Like Jungle Gin HD, Canasta HD, Spades HD, World Class Solitaire, Solitaire Blitz and More. UNO Multiplayer lets you play the famous card game, UNO with other players worldwide! Now you can demonstrate your skill to other players and become a worldwide champion. You can still play with computers to have some quick games or test your skills.
Spades Rules
These are the rules I use for Spades. I got them from John McLeod's, which has rules for pretty much all card games. (C) John McLeod, 2011 - reprinted with permission.
The teams
The four players are in fixed partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other. Deal and play are clockwise.
Rank of Cards
A standard pack of 52 cards is used. The cards, in each suit, rank from highest to lowest: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
The Deal
The first dealer is chosen at random, and the turn to deal rotates clockwise. The cards are shuffled and then dealt singly, in clockwise order beginning with the player on dealer's left, until all 52 cards have been dealt and everyone has 13.
The Bidding
In Spades, all four players bid a number of tricks. Each team adds together the bids of the two partners, and the total is the number of tricks that team must try to win in order to get a positive score. The bidding begins with the player to dealer's left and continues clockwise around the table. Everyone must bid a number, and in theory any number from 0 to 13 is allowed. Unlike other games with bidding, there is no requirement for each bid to be higher than the last one, and players are not allowed to pass. There is no second round of bidding - bids once made cannot be altered.
Example: South deals; West bids 3; North bids 1; East bids 4; South bids 4. The objective of North and South is to win at least 5 tricks (4+1), East and West try to win at least 7 (4+3).
A bid of 0 tricks is known as Nil. This is a declaration that that the player who bid Nil will not win any tricks during the play. There is an extra bonus for this if it succeeds and a penalty if it fails. The partnership also has the objective of winning the number of tricks bid by the Nil's partner. It is not possible to bid no tricks without bidding a Nil. If you don't want to go for the Nil bonus or penalty you must bid at least 1.
The Play of the Hand
The player to dealer's left leads any card except a spade to the first trick. Each player, in turn, clockwise, must follow suit if able; if unable to follow suit, the player may play any card.
A trick containing a spade is won by the highest spade played; if no spade is played, the trick is won by the highest card of the suit led. The winner of each trick leads to the next. Spades may not be led until either some player has played a spade (on the lead of another suit, of course), or the leader has nothing but spades left in hand.

Playing the first spade is known as 'breaking' spades.
A Boston is when one team gets all 13 tricks in a round.

A side that takes at least as many tricks as its bid calls for receives a score equal to 10 times its bid. Additional tricks (overtricks) are worth an extra one point each.
Sandbagging rule: Overtricks are colloquially known as bags. A side which (over several deals) accumulates ten or more bags has 100 points deducted from its score. Any bags beyond ten are carried over to the next cycle of ten overtricks - that is if they reached twenty overtricks they would lose another 100 points and so on.
Example: Suppose a team whose score is 337 bids 5 tricks and they have 7 bags carried over from the previous rounds. If they win 7 tricks they score 52, taking their score to 389 (and their bags to 9). If they win 8 tricks they score 53, but lose 100 because they now have 10 bags, and their score becomes 290 (337 + 53 - 100). If they win 9 tricks they score 54 and lose 100, bringing their score to 291.
Online Multiplayer Card Games Pc
If a side does not make its bid, they lose 10 points for each trick they bid.
If a bid of nil is successful, the nil bidder's side receives 100 points. This is in addition to the score won (or lost) by the partner of the nil bidder for tricks made. If a bid of nil fails - that is, the bidder takes at least one trick - the bidder's side loses 100 points, but still receives any amount scored for the partner's bid.
When a nil fails, the tricks won by the nil bidder do not count towards making the partner's bid, but do count as bags for the team.
Online Multiplayer Card Games
The side which reaches 500 points first wins the game. If both sides reach 500 points in a single deal, the side with the higher score wins.
Play Free Online Multiplayer Card Games
Literature is a team card game in which players try to collect cards by asking for them from other players.The Player & The Cards
The game is best played with 6 people; two teams of three. However, eight players with teams of four is also a great way to play. Players sitting alternately form a team. A minimum of 4 players are required to play the game. The 54 card deck forms sets, also referred to as half suit or as books. There are totally 9 sets in a given deck. Each suit (Clubs, Diamonds, Spades, Hearts) is split into two sets. There are the minor or low cards sets with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and there are the high or major cards sets with 9, 10, J, Q, K, A. All the other 8's and the two Jokers (red and black) form another set. Teams try to claim as many sets as possible.The Deal
All the 54 cards are distributed to all the players. After each player has a full hand, players should examine their cards. However, players cannot share their hands with other players, especially their teammates.The Play
The Questions The dealer goes first. During a turn, players can ask a player from the opposing team 1 card. The card asked must fulfill this criterion: Players must ask for a specific card (rank and suit) Players must have a card in hand from the same set. The player questioned must have at least one card. You cannot ask for a card in hand already. If a player has the card in hand asked for, they must pass it to their opponent, face-up. The questioner then adds that card to their hand. However, if they do not have the card that was requested, it becomes their turn and they ask the next question.Declaring
Players can declare fulfilled sets by laying the completed set on the table, face-up. If during play, you suspect between your teammates and yourself there is a full set you may claim it by on your turn. The player has to then name everyone who has the cards of the set. If done correctly, your team claims the set and a point is added to the team. If wrongly claimed, the opposing team scores the point. Once a set is claimed, players with cards of that set must reveal them. The cards are stacked in front of a member of the claiming team. The game continues. Information for the Public Players at any times can ask what the previous question was and who asked it, as well as what the answer was. Questions prior to that are called, “History,” and are not allowed to be discussed anymore. The only other question players may ask is how many cards a player has in hand, both opponents and their teammates.Ending The Game & Scoring
As the game continues, players will begin to run out of cards. Players who do not have cards in hand cannot be asked for cards, so they do not have a turn. An empty hand can be the result of laying down a claim. If this is the case, you can pass your turn to a teammate who still has cards in hand. Once a team is completely out of cards in hand, questions can no longer be asked. The team with cards in hand must attempt to claim remaining sets. The player whose turn it is, under these conditions, must try and claim sets or sets without talking with their partners. The game is completed when either of the team scores 5 points.For more detailed rules please visit