No Limit Omaha Strategy
Pot limit Omaha is a bit like no limit hold'em. In fact it is actually a cousin game. (All games that use the five card community format are cousin games, pot limit hold’em is also a cousin of pot limit omaha because of the restrictions on the all in bet. ) These are just rules to how the game is played. And the main rules specific to PLO are that you must use two cards from your hand in combination with the community cards. (Whereas in most other community card games you may choose to use one of the cards in your hand in coordination with the community cards. ). Additionally, in PLO you may only bet the size of the pot as a limit, you cannot overbet the pot like you can in no limit hold'em.
- No Limit Omaha Poker Strategy
- No Limit Omaha Poker Strategy
- No Limit Omaha Strategy Tournament
- No Limit Omaha Rules
I am ready to take my poker game to the next level!
Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) Strategy. Pot Limit Omaha is the second most popular variant of the game today. On the surface it looks and plays a lot like Texas Hold’em, but the differences are significant. There still exists a large knowledge gap so you can create a big edge in Pot Limit Omaha if you follow the right instruction. Welcome to Pot Limit Omaha Strategies, recently voted the best free Internet resource to help improve your PLO game. If Hold 'Em is a game of strategy, then Omaha 8/b is a game of maths. At low limits, with lots of players seeing flops, reading other player's hands is largely irrelevant. Reading your own hand. All-Ins Pre-Flop In No Limit Omaha Hi-Lo — No-Limit Omaha Hi-Lo Strategy Should Include Defense Against The Constant All-In Overbets Pre Flop in NL08. Straights In Omaha Hi-Lo, A Closer Look! — Straights, Draws To Straights and When To Play Straights In Omaha Hi-Lo.
The only difference between pot limit omaha and 5 card omaha (courchevel), is the extra card you get dealt. That's it!
- The extra card breathes new life Into an already, quite complex game.
- The extra card allows you to build extra combinations with your starting hand, bringing the grand total to 10 possible combinations of hands.
No Limit Omaha Poker Strategy
The outline below illustrates this with a diagram using distribution and color arrows:
Four new combinations create a whole new game, and a vast array of possibilities.
As always I recommend you try playing this game at play money or just for fun with your buddies before venturing to play in that real cash coliseum. My prediction is bloody, bloody madness with chariots, tigers, and flying mid-class metallic weapons heading in every general direction. But hey, that is why gladiators start off practicing with wooden swords.
Tactical Adjustments for Courchevel Poker
Hand strengths skew up as they did from the switch of games, nlhe to PLO. With many players you are going to tighten up even more and nut hands could just begin with nut flushes +. Weaker hands like top two pairs could become trap hands with the advent of four new combinations in everyones’ hand.

Now we are going to talk about a ski resort in the French Alps. How does tie into our omaha discussion, you ask?
“Patience, my dear Watson.” As my childhood hero would say.
Courchevel is also an omaha game! It is an omaha game that is played exactly the same way as 5 card omaha. The one key difference is the pre flop street becomes the one community card street in terms of betting and where the game begins. So instead of a pre flop betting round, you will make your first raise or call on this “Tease” card. From there everything proceeds normally like in 5 card omaha with the flop, turn, river betting rounds.
Here at we have partnered with several online poker professionals who have written high quality poker strategy articles for our website. Our poker strategy guide is 100% unique - you will not find this information anywhere else on the Internet. We cover topics like No Limit Hold'em strategy, heads up poker strategy, Omaha poker strategy, and poker tournament strategy.
To get started, check out this list of our feature poker strategy articles. We have listed the best pieces from each section, and we also link to the full list of articles for each poker strategy category. If you are a new poker player you are probably best off reading about the rules of poker before you dive into the advanced strategy pieces.
» Also Check Out Our Poker Strategy Videos to See Our Poker Strategy in Action
No Limit Hold'em Strategy
Read these articles to learn the best No Limit Hold'em strategy:
- Essential No Limit Hold'em Tips - This is the best place to start learning NL Hold'em strategy.
- Continuation Betting - The continuation bet may be the most important move in poker.
- Buy-In Strategy - Find out if you're better off short-buying or deep stacking at NL Hold'em tables.
Poker Tournament Strategy
Read these articles to learn about poker tournament strategy:
- The Tournament Mind Set - Get in the right train of thought for going deep in tournaments.
- Top 10 Poker Tournament Tips - Learn the ten best tips for beating poker tournaments.
- Final Table Strategy - Want that huge first place prize? Read this article and crush final tables.
Heads Up Poker Strategy
Read these articles to learn about heads up poker strategy:
- Top 10 Heads Up Poker Tips - Read our top ten tips for crushing heads up poker games.
- Heads Up Poker vs. 9-Handed Poker - Learn differences between heads up and normal poker.
- Changing Up Your Game - Learn why you need to switch up your game while playing heads up.
Sit and Go Poker Strategy
Read these articles to learn the best sit and go strategy:
- Top 10 Sit and Go Tips - Learn the top ten strategies for winning sit and go's.
- Sit and Go Bankroll Management - We teach you how to manage your sit and go bankroll.
- Top 5 Sit and Go Mistakes - Learn the biggest mistakes that most sit and go players make.
Omaha Poker Strategy
Read these articles to learn the best Omaha poker strategy:
- Top 10 Omaha Poker Tips - The best place to start learning Omaha poker strategy.
- Top 5 Omaha Poker Mistakes - Learn the biggest mistakes most Omaha players make.
- Omaha Poker vs. Texas Hold'em - Learn the differences between Omaha and Texas Hold'em.

Seven Card Stud Poker Strategy
Read these articles to learn the best Seven Card Stud strategy:
- Top 10 Tips for Seven Card Stud - Read our ten favorite Seven Card Stud tips.
- Reading Up Cards - Learn how to read other players' up cards.
- Bluffing in Seven Card Stud - Learn when and how to properly bluff in Seven Card Stud.
General Poker Advice
Here we have listed the rest of our poker articles and tips:
- Top 10 Online Poker Tips - This is a comedy piece about becoming an 'online poker pimp'.
- Live vs. Online Poker - Learn the differences between live and online poker.
- Top 5 Online Poker Myths - Learn the five biggest online poker myths.
General Poker Strategy Tips

No Limit Omaha Poker Strategy
Although there are quite a few variations of poker, the majority of poker strategy boils down to a few important points. Many amateur players think poker is mostly luck, but in the long run poker is much more about a player's skill than their luck. Short term swings are largely affected by the cards that come off the deck, but if you play with the proper poker strategy you will have a large edge in the long run.
Some of the easiest tactics for winning more money are to play with a tight-aggressive style, to avoid chasing draws, and to know when you are behind.
Tight Aggressive Style
Playing with a tight-aggressive style means that you only play solid hands, and when you do play solid hands you get as much money in the pot as possible. Players using a tight-aggressive style will only play premium hands preflop (big pairs, big suited connectors), and will make raises and re-raises to defend their hand. Read the No Limit Hold'em strategy articles above to learn more about the tight-aggressive style.
Avoid Chasing Draws
No Limit Omaha Strategy Tournament

No Limit Omaha Rules
One of the biggest leaks in losing players' games is chasing draws. There is a time and place for chasing a draw, but it is only when the pot and implied odds justify it. A good example of this is if you have an open-ended straight draw on the flop, and another player goes all-in into a small pot. Although you have eight outs to make your straight, it doesn't justify putting all your chips in the middle because there isn't that much money to win.
Know When You Are Behind
New poker players often find themselves at a showdown with the second best hand. This really hurts your bankroll, and you can save a ton of money by avoiding costly river bets when you only have middle pair or top pair with a weak kicker. When you reach the river make sure to ask yourself 'is there any way my opponent would bet here with a hand worse then mine?'